27 de febrer del 2010

My sister explains her imaginary world

My sister is a really happy person, so I've concluded that she has an imaginary world in her head, and this is what makes her laugh without apparent reason. I asked her about it, and she said:
"Imagine the world full of mattresses on the ground. The sky is pink with purple spots and heart clouds. The people are green and they only have one leg.
One day the oldest man of the world came out to the street and started staring at the other citizens with a bull mask. When he shouted "MOOOH" all the people became frightened and started to run. But they only had one leg, so they got tired soon. Finally they decided to sleep on the mattresses and when they got up, everything was normal again exept for the old man that didn't run or sleep. He was alone in the Fantastic World.
This would be nice."

Take your own conclusions. xD

1 comentari:

  1. It's a strange world indeed... Maybe she should also have a blog and write about her world
