18 de novembre del 2009

Love it's life's motor

He's an squat in my body, kicking the heart, appearing in my mind, blowing my eyes, shagging my lungs... How does he want that I forget him if he lives in me?
I don't know what I dream of, if what people say it's true, I don't know what I think or what I have to think, don't know if I have you or I'm losing you another time. From illusions you live, until the reality fogs it. But when the clouds leave, you shine again, and while you're shinning, I won't turn off.
And I don't remember how to fight. I did, but not now. It's too difficult to find the way to change a false point of view. You can try to cheat the destiny going to nowhere, but he'd cross in your
way again. Like a boat across the ocean, I follow your light to get the shore, and if you're reflected on the water, I'll get drown of you tonight.

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